Teenage Network receives items worth over a million naira from USAID

Teenage Network receives items worth over a million naira from USAID. This was done at the close-out of the Effective Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services (E-WASH) Project. The E-WASH project was designed to improve water delivery to 500,000 households in Nigeria through the following components: 

  • Working with state governments and SWBs to build common understanding via facilitated, mutually agreed-upon Service Improvement Plans (SIPs).
  • Making SWBs financially and operationally viable through comprehensive technical assistance and by connecting them to private-sector actors and successful utility operators, thus securing long-term funding and investment options
  • At the state level, facilitating the creation or strengthening of regulatory oversight that will improve SWB transparency and accountability
  • Engaging with civil organizations as advocates, as well as the donor community, to measure and adapt USAID E-WASH activities, based on knowledge sharing and continuous learning

At the end of the five year project, Teenage Network was selected to receive some of the assets purchased during the project implementation. This will support Teenage Network in sustaining some of the gains of the E-WASH project, particularly the knowledge sharing and continuous learning component.

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