Transforming Lives,

Empowering Teens.

Supporting adolescence in overcoming social-cultural barriers to education and wellbeing

What We Do

  • We balance classroom lessons with life skills and Comprehensive Sexuality Education.
  • We influence change in harmful socio-cultural norms and practices.
  • We reduce barriers to Girls’ Education
  • We improve access to quality health information and services for adolescents
  • We advocate for the reintegration of Out-of-school Adolescent mothers into schools

Equality in Education, Health & Leadership.

Our Mission Statement

To facilitate access to quality education and health for adolescents, especially girls as key drivers of sustainable development.

Our Vision Statement

We envision a world where every adolescent is empowered to take leadership roles in the society

Our Strategic Direction
  • Education
  • Health
  • Leadership and Governance
Our Theory of Change

Through evidence-based programming, adoption of local solutions and community participation, we believe that our ultimate goal of empowering adolescents to take leadership roles in the society can be achieved if:

Our News

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Our Achievements in Numbers

Number of Adolescent Girls Trained
Number of Teachers and School Counselors trained
Number of Communities reached
Number of Media reach
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Our Publications

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Make A Donation

Help keep an adolescent mother in school.
In Nigeria, 1 in 5 Girls between age 15-19 are already mothers or pregnant with their first child (NDHS, 2018). These large number of girls are out-of-school and unskilled. Without education, girls will be unable to secure decent jobs or develop their leadership skills. They will have to depend on others for livelihood, which places them at risk of gender-based violence and further increases the gender-inequality gap.
Children of uneducated mothers are also less likely to go to school. Support us today to eradicate illiteracy in two generations!

Our Partners

Become a Volunteer

We are raising a community of compassionate, innovative and action-oriented Adolescent leaders.

Join our community.

Equality in Education, Health anD Leadership

89 Ahmed Joda Crescent Kado Estate, Abuja

Our Projects

Reintegrating Adolescent Mothers into School (REAMS) Project

Strengthening Indigenous Communities to Promote Girls’ Rights

Life School Project

My GBV Story

Education for Sustainable Development​

Our Resources




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